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Noise Assessment
We carry out noise exposure monitoring and noise level surveys of full sites, noisy areas, processes and equipment, identifying the daily noise exposure of all your employees who might be at risk of hearing damage. We can provide information to help you decide how to control noise exposure.
Excessive noise at work is a significant yet preventable problem affecting thousands of UK workplaces. Now is the time to address noise in your workplace, as the recent Control of Noise at Work Regulations lower legally acceptable noise levels.
Extractability provide a fully competent noise assessor, who will visit your premises to determine noise exposures using appropriate instrumentation, calibration, measurement and analysis techniques.
The noise assessor will identify noise hazards and establish whether the lower and upper exposure action values are being exceeded.
The noise assessor will also estimate the personal daily noise exposure of employees and identify measures required to eliminate or reduce risk, control exposure and protect employees. Results are analysed and presented to incorporate immediate and future actions.
Our member of staff will also make recommendations on the selection of appropriate engineering controls, hearing protection programmes, health surveillance and PPE.